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News Page 9: Fun Home Poker Game Rules - Guts

Fun Home Poker Game Rules - Guts

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Funny News: Fun Home Poker Game Rules - Guts

December 20, 2006: Fun Home Poker Game Rules - Guts

I played a lot of poker in high school. That was back in the mid-1970s. Poker for high school students wasn't like it is today. There was no Internet, no televised poker tournaments, and surely no legal poker rooms in New York where I grew up. For high school kids especially, poker was strictly an underground game illegal, forbidden, and compelling. For us it was like smoking cigarettes or drinking beer or smoking pot or getting laid. You wanted to do it because it was forbidden. And it was fun.

A favorite variety of the game back then was guts. We generally played it in the senior room of the high school a private room set aside only for seniors where we got away with playing poker because faculty didn't enter (unless they smelled cigarettes or pot). Small fortunes changed hands over this game. And we were all on very short bankrolls.

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