was universally hailed as an innovative switch-up in gaming prior to its launch, and frustrated critics referred to it as a toy once they'd had a chance to see the depth of the title's gameplay. The design of the sequel,
, seems to be a deliberate response to the denouncements leveled at the original game. The result is a more traditional, less open-ended RTS with some identity issues. Despite that, being a god still has as much appeal as it did back in the days of Populous. Read on for impressions of Molyneux's marriage of Nintendogs and Age of Empire:
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Sonic Rivals 2 Review (PSP) FunnyGames, February 29, 2008...Sonic Rivals 2 isn't your traditional Sonic game; it's a sort of 2D racing game. The controls are like a high-speed platformer, and the level designs are very much Sonic-style, complete with loops, multiple paths, and speed boosts. But Sonic Rivals 2 just doesn't work as a dynamic racing game. Everyone runs at the same speed, so the only way to gain on the opposition is to use power-ups or take alternate paths. But power-ups are neither entertaining nor very effective (Mario Kart, this ain't), and there aren't that many alternate paths to take...
...There are moments where racing at high speeds and flying through the air might sound exciting, but even these moments are dull. You move fast, but not blistering speed fast. And did I mention that you always race against exactly one opponent? Be still my beating heart...
Read full review at:
Review: Doom Xbox live Arcade FunnyGames, October 1, 2006In a bit of a shocking announcement, Microsoft announced just this week that Doom would be hitting Xbox Live Arcade, well, instantly. In the same way that Steve Jobs announces a new iPod and they're in stores right away, Doom was ready and waiting for folks to download it on the Xbox Live Marketplace.
The classic PC game is the first FPS to hit Live Marketplace, and it's definitely one of the more polished titles on the service, offering up all the old school gory gameplay you remember, along with some nifty new extras...
...Thankfully, you get a lot more than just the single-player. Doom allows for people to hop on Live and play online co-op (through all the single-player levels) or deathmatch (through all the classic DM maps). Our experience playing on Live was reasonably flawless, as we were quickly able to hop into a game and start blasting...
Read complete Doom review at:
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