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News Page 8: Black and White 2 Review

Black and White 2 Review

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Funny News: Black and White 2 Review

October 25, 2005: Black and White 2 Review

Peter Molyneux's Black and White was universally hailed as an innovative switch-up in gaming prior to its launch, and frustrated critics referred to it as a toy once they'd had a chance to see the depth of the title's gameplay. The design of the sequel, Black and White 2, seems to be a deliberate response to the denouncements leveled at the original game. The result is a more traditional, less open-ended RTS with some identity issues. Despite that, being a god still has as much appeal as it did back in the days of Populous. Read on for impressions of Molyneux's marriage of Nintendogs and Age of Empire: Black and White 2.

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The Good: A classic title with solid gameplay amped up to 21st century standards.

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