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News Page 3: The 'Other' Games of Poker: Limit Omaha Hi-Lo

The 'Other' Games of Poker: Limit Omaha Hi-Lo

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Funny News: The 'Other' Games of Poker: Limit Omaha Hi-Lo

January 17, 2007: The 'Other' Games of Poker: Limit Omaha Hi-Lo

...Omaha hi-lo is a poker game of the nuts. With four cards in each player's hand, the sheer number of two-card combinations available tell us that the nuts are probably out there. Hand values increase dramatically in Omaha poker. While the median winning hand in hold'em is two pair, that hand is more often than not worthless in Omaha. If you're drawing to a flush, make it the nut flush. If you're drawing to a straight, make it the nut straight and if you're drawing to a low, you really need to make sure it's the nut low. Drawing to ten-high flushes, second nut lows and the bad ends of straights are huge money poker losers.

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The Bad: Limited selection of events; mediocre sound, animation and graphics

The Good: Interesting control schemes; 4-player split-screen/sequential multi-player; getting to smack your brother in the face while doing the backstroke

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