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Online Poker Game

Online Poker Game

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Play Poker for a Living

by: Rich Spaulding
No alarm clock. No boss. No traffic. Just poker for living! Sound fun? Well, playing poker for a living definitely has its perks. I can barely remember what it's like to warm the car up on a cold winter morning or to put on a dress shirt for work. I haven't set my alarm clock in over a year...
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.... People often respond that playing poker must be the best job in the world, and certainly because I choose to do this I agree, but before getting into it, be sure to look at all the factors of playing poker for a living.
Sleep schedule
If you are a true online poker grinder, you know that you basically have a night time job. This is can be very difficult if you are married (like me) or are involved in a relationship. My wife tells me that “you can play poker anytime….hang out with me tonight”. What people that don’t play poker for a living don’t understand is that the tables are 10 times better during night time hours. Thus, it becomes irrelevant to play poker during the day. A typical day is waking up at 2 pm and going to bed at 5 am. Better get used to it, or find another profession.
Get physical
Playing online poker all night can be exhausting. Devoting the full attention that successful poker requires for hours on end is extremely tiresome. Getting some kind of daily exercise is essential to solid poker playing. It’s a fact that your brain works better with exercise. Get out of the house and go for a walk to cure those bad beats.
Ups and downs
Every poker pro will tell you they win money. Some truly are, some just have a bankroll and will become a pro fast food worker when their Pacific account runs dry again. But even the real winners don't win every day. That might be discouraging to hear, but it's a fact you must recognize. It can be frustrating to work for 8 hours and actually come out with less money in your pocket than when you started. That doesn't happen at your typical 9-5 job. If you can't handle losing money every once in a while, don't even think about playing online poker for a living.
About The Author
Rich Spaulding coaches players at offers free poker coaching for the average player looking to improve their game.

Online Poker Game

Try online poker game. You can play poker from the comfort of your home right on your computer. In fact, you can find great online poker game websites in just a few minutes. This new fad is fast becoming a demand many people are insisting on. Why? It’s convenient and safe. Yes, playing online poker is safe. You can win big or just a few bucks. You can play free online poker games with many people or just a few. You can download the poker games or play poker games interactively from your home. In almost all countries Online poker is legal and regulated. The major online poker game sites offer varying features to entice new players. You can play poker all night :)

Interested In Online Poker Game?

by: Chris Locker
And guess what? We’re here to satisfy your curiosity by answering all the questions you could think of about poker!

What’s Poker? – A very basic question but we shall entertain it all the same. Poker is a betting card game that’s very much popular for people of all ages and both genders – although statistically speaking, there are more male poker players than women.

So if you’re a woman and you’re good at poker, chances are, everyone’s been worshipping you already from afar. But going back to our topic, like I said, poker is a card game and is not only limited to casinos but is also played in almost any setting. Poker is not exclusive to adults and it’s actually a good way to make your family bond together.

Will I Enjoy Playing Poker Online? – Definitely! There are so many wonderful things that you can enjoy from playing poker online that it’s hard to enumerate all of them. First, there are the graphics. If you’re a game fanatic then I’m sure you’re able to fully appreciate the hard work that can produce amazing graphics. Most online poker sites make sure that they have great graphics to offer so that no player would get bored while playing.

Is It Easy To Learn Poker? – The rules for poker are generally easy but you do have to familiarize yourself with them. The best way to learn poker is by playing. After all, isn’t experience said to be the best teacher one can have?

The hardest thing to learn when playing poker is, perhaps, the rules for betting. There are what we call small blinds and big blinds and the amount of money that you bet is different from how much you need to put on the table if you want to raise the bet and so on. The first few times you play poker, it may be difficult for you to be able to fully understand what’s happening on the poker table but as time passes, I’m sure you’ll be able to get the hang of it.

Is It Easy To Win In Poker? – Oh yes, definitely, but it takes effort, patience and a little bit of luck, of course. And the chances of winning are even better if you’re playing online poker. When you’re playing live poker, you have to worry about bluffing and keeping from showing your emotions to your opponents. But when you’re playing online poker, all you have to do is play your poker hand well and hope for the best!

About The Author
Chris Locker is a poker enthusiast who is hosting his poker forum on his main online poker site

Steps to Play Online Texas Hold em Poker

by: James Obrian
Steps to Play Online Texas Hold em Poker The steps involved in playing online texas hold em are usually well-described by the website you choose. Commonly this involves downloading the site’s poker interface, depositing some money via a credit card or third-party provider, and then taking your digital bankroll into the game of your choice.

Online Texas Hold em sites will often have hundreds, even thousands, of games going at once. An average site would have perhaps 5-40 different “tables” of $10/$20 hold ‘em going at once. You often have a choice of how many people you want to play with--4-player to 10-player tables are typically available.

The Online Texas Hold em site will usually have a neatly designed interface that allows you to browse through the various games going on until you find the limit, number of players, so on, that suits you. You will also be told the screen names of the players at the table (before entering it) and the amount of their stack. Very often you will get stats telling you how fast the hands go at a particular table, how many are played in an hour, on average, and what the average pot is. These should all factor into your decision of where to “sit.”

Once you click on a particular game, the table interface will open up. The graphics usually include a table, chips, cards, and avatars representing the players at the table. Often you’ll click on an empty seat, taking the form of whatever avatar you or the interface chooses, and then buy in. The buy-in is generally a range, such as $100-$1000.

Once you’ve done that, all that’s left is to wait until the next hand, when you’ll be dealt in. Some websites will give you some starting options to choose from governing game play and what to do on your behalf in the case of a disconnection. Others do not. (How does the website make money? On the “rake,” usually only a few dollars, which they pull out of the pot when it reaches a certain level. This amounts to quite a bit when you’ve got hundreds of games going on at once.)

Cards come quick at Online texas hold em tables, and people are generally antsy--especially at the play tables. You might get rude comments or even an “abusive” vote if you take too long. You don’t have to pay too much attention to this, though if you’re sitting at a table where everyone’s going fast, and then you think for 30 seconds each time, you might consider switching tables--not least because the torrent of criticism you’re likely to get could very well throw you off your game.

James Brian, a Texas Holdem enthusiast who lives in Florida. James OBrian is a leading Poker professional and earns handsome money, playing Online Texas Hold em Poker for money, using his techniques enumerated in the Free Texas Holdem Poker ebook at

About The Author
James Obrian, a Texas Holdem player and who lives in Florida. James OBrian is a leading Poker professional and earns handsome living, playing Online Texas Hold em Poker, Check out the Free Holdem Poker ebook at

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