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News Page 3: Online Poker

Online Poker

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Funny News: Online Poker

March 23, 2006: Online Poker

Try online poker. You can play poker online from the comfort of your home right on your computer. In fact, you can find great online poker websites in just a few minutes. This new fad is fast becoming a demand many people are insisting on. Why? It’s convenient and safe. Yes, playing online poker is safe. You can win big or just a few bucks. You can play free online poker with many people or just a few. You can download the poker games or play poker interactively from your home. In almost all countries Online poker is legal and regulated. The major online poker sites offer varying features to entice new players. You can play poker all night :)

Read full story at: Online Poker

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Overall, we had a lot of fun with FaceBreaker. The controls are simple and easy to pick up, with each character's personality adding extra appeal to the simplified style of boxing presented in the game. But while it may be simple, we picked up on certain areas where strategy is a must. The most notable area is with FaceBreakers. When you use the first or second tier, you'll drop your FaceBreaker meter back to zero. What that does is knock away a substantial portion of your opponent's health, but you'll, then, need to build it back up all over again for the next special move. This adds a fun risk-reward element to the fighting. You're constantly at odds with your instinct to pummel your opponent as savagely as you can right at that moment, but in the back of your head, you know you can guarantee yourself a victory if you patiently build that FaceBreaker gauge all the way up to the top.

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Read Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories review at:
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