Funny News: Crave deals next-gen poker game
March 11, 2006:
Crave deals next-gen poker game
World Championship Poker goes "All In" with Xbox 360, PS2, and PSP versions; new title features mixed games, 18 types of
One of the keys to poker is being able to get a read on your opponent. By carefully studying visual cues made by rival gamblers, pros can get a bead on their opposition's hands, making that decision to call or fold much easier. Soon, gamers may be able to look into the dilating pupils of some next-generation digital-card players to decide whether it's worth risking some fake money.
Crave Entertainment is dealing its World Championship
Poker series a third hand. The publisher has announced that World Championship Poker: Featuring Howard Lederer "All In" is currently being developed for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable but has not yet revealed a release date.
All In will feature 18 different types of
Poker, including Omaha,
Texas Hold 'Em, and Five Card Stud. The game's single-player campaign mode now features series tournaments, mixed games (multiple variations of poker in one sitting), and ...
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