...The game does follow the movie's plot loosely, but you'll find that the missions you need to do are generally less exciting than in the movie due to the rather dull action sequences. From playing as the Autobot Bumblebee whose mission is to protect Mikaela and Sam (and his great-grandfather's glasses that have the encoded location of the "Allspark" on them) to just plain destroying half of a city as a Decepticon, the events in the game do follow the movie but are decidedly more disjointed and often have you doing things repeatedly just so that the overall length of the game is increased...
...Transformers does have a few redeeming moments, like when you get to play as Scorponok, but there are just way too many long stretches of mediocrity for me to be able to recommend this one. The PS3 version looks great in screenshots, but it plays like a budget game and yet still sports the full $59.99 price tag....
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PS2: Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus preview FunnyGames, September 5, 2006...After a variety of lackluster games, Square-Enix must have decided that it was time to try a daring merger. And since they probably had some extra Advent Children FMV lying around, it made sense to dive even deeper into the now eight year-old Final Fantasy VII cash cow. A few tie-ins and cameos later and we have got Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII, a first/third-person RPG action mash-up starring Vincent Valentine, a somewhat peripheral character from the original game.
...And after clocking a good ten hours of Dirge, at least four of which were spent watching cutscenes, I'm done with it. Square-Enix makes quality RPGs and pretty FMV, and I hope they are content to bow gracefully out of genres they obviously have little reason to meddle in. Leave the emo-shooters to Dante and just peep Advent Children again if you need a fix.
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Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-earth II FunnyGames, March 11, 2006Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-earth II is a great game that improves upon its predecessor, utilizes some of the best graphics of any RTS today, and finally lets you fight anywhere in Middle-earth. And you can summon Tom Bombadil. He's the happy fellow above. It's just something you'll want to do.
If you played the first BFME game, you'll probably be surprised by how different this sequel is. First of all, the entire scheme of play has changed. Instead of one type of campaign mode available, you now have two. The first type is the Good or Evil Campaign single player mode.
This single player, which is unfortunately the most generic of the modes here, does away with pretty large elements of the first game ...
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