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Super Paper Mario Review

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Funny News: Super Paper Mario Review

April 23, 2007: Super Paper Mario Review

The Paper Mario games are reminders that as far as we come with graphics and technology, the value of simple gameplay and a little heart has never changed. Even though it is shed most of its predecessors RPG elements, Super Paper Mario really shines as an end-all 2D platforming game - it breaks every kind of dimension, it is a classic world you can prod and spin and reshape.

Mario saving the universe is just one storyline; there are star-crossed lovers, backstabbers and best friends. Intelligent Systems has created a wonderful Mario world where our mute hero struggles with more self-absorbed morons than Goombas or Koopas. Merlon, Merlee and some of the other second-string characters from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door return to guide you from 2D to 3D, from cretaceous worlds to outer space and back...

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