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News Page 3: Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest

Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest

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Funny News: Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest

July 18, 2006: Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest

... The story in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is fairly faithful to its cinematic counterpart, focusing almost exclusively on the bits featuring Captain Jack Sparrow, since that's the character you'll be playing as over the course of the game. The game starts with a little explanation for what Jack was doing in that coffin at the start of the film, and on the whole the story is mostly faithful, though it tweaks a few minor exchanges for the sake of streamlining the game's storytelling and ...

Good: Rousing Hans Zimmer score; multiplayer naval battles surprisingly fun gaming.
Bad: Swordplay is shallow and repetitive; game controls are too imprecise for platforming sections; endgame structure can make for tedious backtracking.

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