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News Page 5: EA puts Sadler on NASCAR racing covers

EA puts Sadler on NASCAR racing covers

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Funny News: EA puts Sadler on NASCAR racing covers

July 3, 2006: EA puts Sadler on NASCAR racing covers

NASCAR driver Elliott Sadler has always been into games, but now he's on one. Electronic Arts today announced that Sadler will grace the cover for its upcoming NASCAR 07 on the Xbox and the PlayStation 2, as well as NASCAR on the PSP.

"I'm thrilled that EA has chosen me as their cover athlete for the game this year," said Sadler, who has been involved with the gaming franchise for years. "I've been a big fan of this game for a while now and play it as often as I can whether I'm on the road or at home."

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Call of Juarez Demo FunnyGames, August 14, 2006
The demo for Wild West firstperson shooter gives you a sample of the single player missions for the main characters in this game, Billy and Ray.

Call of Juarez is a next gen epic adventure western themed FPP game. The game's unique plot is located in 19th century Wild West and its gameplay requires a combination of both intelligent stealth and pure reflex shooting. The player impersonates both Billy, a sneaking fugitive, and reverend Ray his uncompromising hunter, all in one game.

Download demo at:
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