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News Page 11: Settlers II remake announced

Settlers II remake announced

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Funny News: Settlers II remake announced

June 12, 2006: Settlers II remake announced

Ubisoft has announced it's going back to its roots with a new edition of the 10-year-old classic, Settlers II. The game will feature up-to-date 3D graphics, but the gameplay focus will be the same as the original. Players will have to combine economical acumen with prowess in battle to successfully develop their population, with three races to choose from: Romans, Nubians, and Chinese.

The game, set in an approximation of the 5th century BC, will feature 31 different buildings, 25 carriers, 5 military units, and 31 types of goods to manipulate, across 10 single-player campaigns. In addition, the game will ship with a random map generator and multiplayer modes and...

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