Funny News: A History of Racing Video Games
June 12, 2006:
A History of Racing Video Games
It all begins with Pole Position. It was 1982 and, along with Mr. And Mrs. Pac Man and the Space Invaders, this seminal arcade racer was a major player in the early days of the video arcade. There were other racing games before it, but Pole Position looked and played like nothing else. The graphics were the clincher. There wasn't much to work with back then, but the Indy cars resembled actual automobiles, and the Fuji racetrack featured billboards, grass fields and majestic mountains rising up from the horizon...oh, and other cars, which weren't a given in early racing games. It was this attempt at realism that made Pole Position one of the biggest cash cows, or should we say "coin cows" (HAR!) of the early video arcades.
Namco, the game's creators released Pole Position in Japan first and distributed it throughout arcades across the globe, but Atari had the rights to the phenom in the States. The biggest difference between the International version of the game and the U.S. counterpart is the "Prepare to qualify" computer...
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