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News Page 11: Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords Review

Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords Review

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Funny News: Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords Review

April 19, 2006: Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords Review

Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords is a sequel to Stardock's hit turn-based strategy game that is set in the 23rd century. The player takes on the role of leader of a space faring civilization and must guide their race into the galaxy using traditional "4X" gameplay style of exploring the universe, expanding your empire, exploiting your rivals, and exterminating your enemies. Playing as either one of the ten predefined races or by creating your own, your goal is to become the supreme ruler of the entire galaxy.

Right from the opening screens you're presented with the ability to create the gaming experience that you prefer. You'll have options to start a new custom sandbox-type mode, take on the story behind Galactic Civilization II: Dread Lords in the campaign mode, or...

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Whatever you think of World of Warcraft, there's no denying that it has reshaped the gaming landscape. As of last month, Blizzard Entertainment's massively multiplayer online role-playing game had over 6 million subscribers, making the population of its virtual world larger than many European countries.

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...After a variety of lackluster games, Square-Enix must have decided that it was time to try a daring merger. And since they probably had some extra Advent Children FMV lying around, it made sense to dive even deeper into the now eight year-old Final Fantasy VII cash cow. A few tie-ins and cameos later and we have got Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII, a first/third-person RPG action mash-up starring Vincent Valentine, a somewhat peripheral character from the original game.

...And after clocking a good ten hours of Dirge, at least four of which were spent watching cutscenes, I'm done with it. Square-Enix makes quality RPGs and pretty FMV, and I hope they are content to bow gracefully out of genres they obviously have little reason to meddle in. Leave the emo-shooters to Dante and just peep Advent Children again if you need a fix.

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