Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords is a sequel to Stardock's hit turn-based strategy game that is set in the 23rd century. The player takes on the role of leader of a space faring civilization and must guide their race into the galaxy using traditional "4X" gameplay style of exploring the universe, expanding your empire, exploiting your rivals, and exterminating your enemies. Playing as either one of the ten predefined races or by creating your own, your goal is to become the supreme ruler of the entire galaxy.
Right from the opening screens you're presented with the ability to create the gaming experience that you prefer. You'll have options to start a new custom sandbox-type mode, take on the story behind Galactic Civilization II: Dread Lords in the campaign mode, or...
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Call of Juarez Demo FunnyGames, August 14, 2006The demo for Wild West firstperson shooter gives you a sample of the single player missions for the main characters in this game, Billy and Ray.
Call of Juarez is a next gen epic adventure western themed FPP game. The game's unique plot is located in 19th century Wild West and its gameplay requires a combination of both intelligent stealth and pure reflex shooting. The player impersonates both Billy, a sneaking fugitive, and reverend Ray his uncompromising hunter, all in one game.
Download demo at:
Pokemon Ranger Review (DS) FunnyGames, January 17, 2007Yes, boys and girls, it is time once again for another Pokemon game! You know the Pokemon, don't you? They are those adorable little monsters that are so cute that you just want to squeeze them until their heads pop off. Yes, those same demonically cuddly creatures that have been simultaneously terrorizing us and making us vomit from an overdose of cute since the days of the original GameBoy. Yay, Pokemon!
In Pokemon Ranger, you are the newest recruit of a global security force known as, yes, you guessed it, the Pokemon Rangers. You and your ranger buddies have signed a pledge to live in harmony with Pokemon, strive to protect nature every day, and selflessly go to the help of those in need. Yep, you are one of the good guys! ...
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