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News Page 5: Summer Athletics Review

Summer Athletics Review

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Funny News: Summer Athletics Review

September 12, 2008: Summer Athletics Review

Summer Athletics isn't as beautiful or expansive as 'Beijing 2008', the official game of this summer's Olympics, but the cool thing about playing a track and field game on the Wii instead of on another platform is that you actually need to move to do it...

..Overall, Summer Athletics isn't a horrible game but it suffers the lack of creativity its ho-hum name implies. While the Wii controls make it relatively entertaining, it makes us beg for more: more events, more stats and customization and more sound, not to mention better graphics and animation. Fingers crossed that Data Design Interactive uses the next four years to improve on it rather than making a sequel to Ninja Bread Man.

The Bad: Limited selection of events; mediocre sound, animation and graphics

The Good: Interesting control schemes; 4-player split-screen/sequential multi-player; getting to smack your brother in the face while doing the backstroke

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