Funny News: Beijing 2008 - Olympic Games Review
August 4, 2008:
Beijing 2008 - Olympic Games Review
Beijing 2008 is as much a mini-game collection as Mario Party. Any of the dozens of events may test your skills as a button-masher, Simon Says expert, or rolling motion professional. It may sound or look like a game that was made for the everyman but was really made for one man (or woman): the kind that doesn't mind a little excruciating nonsense.
Take running and swimming, for example. As expected, you'll have to jam on the A and B buttons (alternately) to make your athlete run. When swimming, you can jam on various buttons and exhaust your thumbs or fingers to no end, or spin both analog sticks toward or away from each other. That sums up your entire racing experience, minus the shoulder buttons which must be tapped to turn while swimming and must be held to start the race.
Chances are you have played a game like this before. The button-altering gameplay became a frequently copied commodity after Sega's Olympic titles popularized it in the 90s. If it was fun the last time you experienced it, you are probably looking forward to having it here. But there are a couple of problems to consider before diving into the pool.
First there's repetition. Before winning a race, the game can be a pain...>>
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