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News Page 11: QuakeCon 2008: The Story of Rage

QuakeCon 2008: The Story of Rage

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Funny News: QuakeCon 2008: The Story of Rage

August 4, 2008: QuakeCon 2008: The Story of Rage

At QuakeCon 2008, we got our first details on the story behind id's upcoming first-person action game. Id also showed off an extended version of the Rage trailer that debuted at E3 earlier this month that put a larger emphasis on driving and racing. But most of our new information came in an interview with id producer Tim Willits, who painted a somewhat clearer picture of a game heretofore described simply as a postapocalyptic shooting/driving hybrid. Rage is much more than that, he says...

...As seen in the many id Tech 5 demos and recent Rage trailers, driving will play a very large part in Rage. Over the course of the game, you'll accumulate several different vehicles that can be customized to your liking. In the latest trailer, we saw dune buggies racing on a desert track, armed with mounted Gatling guns and machine guns. Willits said these vehicles will become an extension of the player, so expect plenty of options for customization...>>

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