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News Page 11: LocoRoco Review (PSP)

LocoRoco Review (PSP)

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Funny News: LocoRoco Review (PSP)

October 1, 2006: LocoRoco Review (PSP)

Let's face it! The PSP has had a major shortage of memorable games. Some because of huge load times, others because it is just something we have played elsewhere and some are just plain bad. There have been a few gems, however Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Lumines proved to be fun games that made a PSP worth buying. However, nothing else has really stood above the crowd and risen to the ranks of incredible game.

LocoRoco comes along to save the day for the PSP, though. At first glance, LocoRoco looks like nothing more than a kiddy game, something that most gamers would not give a second thought to. If you spend any time looking into the game, though, you will realize that it is far more. While it is easy to learn, it presents quite a few fun challenges along the way...

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