We finally got one. Finally. Yes, there is now a zombie video game in the stores that lives up to the classic zombie horror flicks. The developers at Capcom insist via a disclaimer on the front of Dead Rising's box that no, legendary horror filmmaker George A. Romero was not a part of this project, nor does this title have anything official to do with his seminal zombie movie Dawn of the Dead. Why even bother? Well, there are some very conspicuous similarities here: zombies in a mall, people getting eaten, that sort of thing. But if this game needs a disclaimer, then don't World of Warcraft developers Blizzard Entertainment need one disclaiming any perceived similarity to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings? Or what about the hundreds of books, shows, movies, and games that borrow from popular culture? ...
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Battle for Middle-earth II demo FunnyGames, February 10, 2006Sampling of EA's real-time strategy game set in Tolkien's universe features aspects from popular films, tomes.
For fans of The Lord of the Rings books and movies, there is now one demo to rule them all. The first playable demo of Electronic Arts' The Lord of the Rings,
The Battle for Middle-earth II is now available on GameSpot.
The hefty single-player sampling (it weighs in at more than 1.3GBs) allows gamers to try their hand at the real-time strategy game's tutorial, as well as the skirmish mode on two different maps. The demo's playable factions include two of the three new races--the goblins and the dwarves.
The game is currently being developed by EA LA and...
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Halo 3 beta testing on May 16 FunnyGames, April 10, 2007For those lucky gamers who managed to nab themselves a Halo 3 beta key over the last couple of months, the wait is almost over to test drive the new first-person shooter. The multiplayer beta will be going live on May 16 on Xbox Live globally, Microsoft announced today...
...Microsoft Game Studios corporate vice president Shane Kim commented, "Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 changed the face of console gaming forever. Gamers from around the world have logged more than 800 million hours on Xbox Live playing Halo 2, and years after its launch it remains the number one title on our Xbox Live network. Bringing an early look at the multiplayer elements of Halo 3 to our passionate fan base is tremendously exciting for us."...
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