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News Page 11: Forza Motorsport 2 Preview

Forza Motorsport 2 Preview

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Funny News: Forza Motorsport 2 Preview

June 12, 2006: Forza Motorsport 2 Preview

Picture this: You're sitting in the park and your buddy sends you a message over the phone. She sent you a brand new racecar as a gift over Live Anywhere. It's one she built herself, but she encourages you to really make it your own. So as you sit in the park, you fiddle with your phone and are able to tweak the engine of your new racecar to match your specifications while you enjoy the sunshine...

...Forza Motorsports 2 is bigger and badder than the first game in many ways. There's a greater degree of customization available with over 300 cars to choose from. There's also a mega eleven person multiplayer available over Live. Don't forget the 360's new driving wheel, and Forza 2 will be the most realistic driving experience available for the next-gen.

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..Overall, Summer Athletics isn't a horrible game but it suffers the lack of creativity its ho-hum name implies. While the Wii controls make it relatively entertaining, it makes us beg for more: more events, more stats and customization and more sound, not to mention better graphics and animation. Fingers crossed that Data Design Interactive uses the next four years to improve on it rather than making a sequel to Ninja Bread Man.

The Bad: Limited selection of events; mediocre sound, animation and graphics

The Good: Interesting control schemes; 4-player split-screen/sequential multi-player; getting to smack your brother in the face while doing the backstroke

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