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More Funny Games News
Pokemon Ranger Review (DS) FunnyGames, January 17, 2007Yes, boys and girls, it is time once again for another Pokemon game! You know the Pokemon, don't you? They are those adorable little monsters that are so cute that you just want to squeeze them until their heads pop off. Yes, those same demonically cuddly creatures that have been simultaneously terrorizing us and making us vomit from an overdose of cute since the days of the original GameBoy. Yay, Pokemon!
In Pokemon Ranger, you are the newest recruit of a global security force known as, yes, you guessed it, the Pokemon Rangers. You and your ranger buddies have signed a pledge to live in harmony with Pokemon, strive to protect nature every day, and selflessly go to the help of those in need. Yep, you are one of the good guys! ...
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Hellgate London Review FunnyGames, November 29, 2007Demons, zombies, foul squishy monsters, leaping beasties that fly at you from across the street. Poor London. Hell has vomited its array of nastiness upon the city and inhabitants have been forced to hole up in the Tube, that is, the subway. Mind the gap.
You, brave Templar, Cabalist, or Hunter, make your way to the nearest station over the course of a delightfully worded tutorial-hints of the laugh-out-loud dialog to come-and prepare for battle. Humanity won't go down without a fight!
London looks good, even if it has become the spawn point for all the evil in the world. There are plenty of crates and barrels to smash, sending pieces flying all over the place and...
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