...LocoRoco is an instantly appealing game to those of us still trying to figure out why we ever said anything nice about our dust-collecting PSPs. It is cute, stylish and fun, a unique game that gets past its myriad hang-ups by squeezing its slippery frame into a comfy, quirky niche...
...So is the overall game, but it is a pretty trip. Oozing bizarre style out of every pore, this is proof that creative design does not require fancy DVD players or burly graphics cards. It is perfectly suited for the PSP, with gameplay and graphics that actually take advantage of the 16:9 aspect ratio and great screen. Though it does not roll quite far enough, LocoRoco is certainly a song worth singing.
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C&C: Red Alert 3 Preview FunnyGames, July 14, 2008When they first appeared on the scene, real-time strategy games started off with the basics of harvesting resources, building your base, and eventually churning out an army of toy soldiers to beat up your opponents before they did the same to you. Times have changed. These games have become faster-paced and more streamlined, with better control layouts, prettier graphics, and in the case of EALA's upcoming sequel, they have scout dogs and parachuting bears. Yes, Red Alert 3 may look like Command & Conquer 3's wackier cousin, but as we saw from our exclusive hands-on time with the game, there's also a finely-tuned and deep strategy game within. We had a chance to see and play the game, as well as get an exclusive first look at the all-new Empire of the Rising Sun as well...
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