If realistic racing games are your thing, the Xbox 360 has one solid choice: Project Gotham Racing 3 game. That is, it's the only solid choice if you're willing to limit yourself to four-wheel racing games. Now, if you're looking for a bit of the two-wheel variety games, you might want to take a look at MotoGP 06, the latest motorcycle racer game from THQ.
In case you're new to the MotoGP franchise games, it's all about super fast bikes, super twisty courses, and super realism. Don't expect to see boost meters or red shells here, as you'll have to make it to the finish line just like the pros do it in real life.
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Cricket Captain 2008 Review FunnyGames, September 12, 2008International Stick Cricket Captain 2008 for the PC builds on the changes introduced in last year's version of the game, including the new 3D engine, but ultimately this year's edition is little more than an incremental statistical update. Although these revisions will represent a lot of value to the hardcore statistic fans, the overall experience is still hampered by a slight identity crisis and serves only to cheapen a sport loved by so many...
...One fundamental issue raises its head again in the 2008 edition of ICC. The game straddles the line between giving players the chance to play as stick cricket captain and as a team manager, and the two don't always overlap. The on-field direction of who will bowl and bat, when they'll do it, and how the fieldsmen will be placed is all captain territory. On the other hand, between matches you'll need to manage player training and fitness by spending your allocated number of skill points. ICC '08 has added new coaching options, and whereas previously all you could do was assign generic bowling or batting training to players...
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Transformers: The Game Reviewed FunnyGames, July 24, 2007...The game does follow the movie's plot loosely, but you'll find that the missions you need to do are generally less exciting than in the movie due to the rather dull action sequences. From playing as the Autobot Bumblebee whose mission is to protect Mikaela and Sam (and his great-grandfather's glasses that have the encoded location of the "Allspark" on them) to just plain destroying half of a city as a Decepticon, the events in the game do follow the movie but are decidedly more disjointed and often have you doing things repeatedly just so that the overall length of the game is increased...
...Transformers does have a few redeeming moments, like when you get to play as Scorponok, but there are just way too many long stretches of mediocrity for me to be able to recommend this one. The PS3 version looks great in screenshots, but it plays like a budget game and yet still sports the full $59.99 price tag....
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