franchise has proved to be a monumental success. The life simulator has been a dominant force on the PC gaming charts since it took the leap from the mind of Maxis Studios head Will Wright onto retail shelves in 2000.
Though Wright wasn't at E3 pimping out some Sims-related gear, Electronic Arts was. Near the area housing Wright's PC game Spore, EA built a 360-degree trailer theater that showed a plethora of games from the publisher, including the lineup from Superman Returns: The Videogame, Battlefield 2142, and Medal of Honor: Airborne.
It wasn't all bullets and fighting, though. Stuck in the middle of the trailer were some cute and cuddly animals--and not the one-eyed freaks of nature of Spore. The familiar cybercitizens of The
were shown hanging around in parks and playing with something they haven't been able to since the original
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Resident Evil 4 Review - Wii FunnyGames, July 9, 2007Resident Evil 4 was a spectacular game when it first came out, with amazing graphics for its mother system, the Nintendo Gamecube, contextually sensitive buttons and controls, and interactive cutscenes involving awesome knife fights, portentous plot points, and main-man Leon doing body shots off of hookers in Mexican hell-holes. Or at least, he's that consistently amazing...
...The game feels different in a lot of subtle little ways. For one thing, zombies' heads seem to pop more frequently. At first, I thought this was just a random adjustment, but it occurred to me that it was heavily related to the control scheme. The new pointer makes it impressively easy to catch zombie after zombie in the face with your crummy little pistol from quite a distance...
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The Bad: Very plain presentation with no meaningful additions to the original game; unresponsive controls.
The Good: Talking about this game opens up a world of potential Wayne's World quotes.
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