...Call of Duty 3 is a World War II first person shooter game (played on Xbox 360) that takes place just about entirely in France shortly after D-Day. As you finish various battles in this game you'll swap around between the perspectives of four soldiers in the American, Canadian, Polish, and British armies. You'll come in contact with the French resistance, drive jeeps and tanks, and play...
...While CoD2 was one of the best-looking games during the Xbox 360's launch, it was obvious that the game wasn't really taking advantage of the power of Microsoft's powerhouse console. This time around we're getting new special effects and even more detailed physics, characters, and environments and even...
More Funny Games News
Review: Doom Xbox live Arcade FunnyGames, October 1, 2006In a bit of a shocking announcement, Microsoft announced just this week that Doom would be hitting Xbox Live Arcade, well, instantly. In the same way that Steve Jobs announces a new iPod and they're in stores right away, Doom was ready and waiting for folks to download it on the Xbox Live Marketplace.
The classic PC game is the first FPS to hit Live Marketplace, and it's definitely one of the more polished titles on the service, offering up all the old school gory gameplay you remember, along with some nifty new extras...
...Thankfully, you get a lot more than just the single-player. Doom allows for people to hop on Live and play online co-op (through all the single-player levels) or deathmatch (through all the classic DM maps). Our experience playing on Live was reasonably flawless, as we were quickly able to hop into a game and start blasting...
Read complete Doom review at:
Call of Juarez Demo FunnyGames, August 14, 2006The demo for Wild West firstperson shooter gives you a sample of the single player missions for the main characters in this game, Billy and Ray.
Call of Juarez is a next gen epic adventure western themed FPP game. The game's unique plot is located in 19th century Wild West and its gameplay requires a combination of both intelligent stealth and pure reflex shooting. The player impersonates both Billy, a sneaking fugitive, and reverend Ray his uncompromising hunter, all in one game.
Download demo at:
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